Sector Analysis

The second phase in developing the ECOS Plan was to produce data and analysis in order to improve the common understanding in our community with regards to economic development, housing, energy, land use and transportation, natural resources, public health, and education. The information from these reports was used to help establish indicators and key issues found in Chapter 2 of the ECOS Plan. However, the ECOS Plan itself does not include the depth of data and information that can be found in each of the Analysis Reports below. 

In addition to the data that can be found in these reports, you can locate any place in Chittenden County with the ECOS Online Map and learn about the built environment, natural areas, and other social and economic information.

Analysis Reports







Land Use / Transportation


The Analysis reports went through multiple revisions and were reviewed by the Steering Committee as well as the public. We received 686 comments from 18 individuals/groups on the second drafts that were out for public comment from November 15–December 31, 2011. The majority of the Analysis Reports were revised and ultimately accepted by the Steering Committee on January 25, 2012.