ECOS Annual Reports

In an effort to track progress made on all ECOS goals, the ECOS Partnership monitors 90+ indicators over each year and compiles the ECOS Annual Report: The State of Chittenden County, a summary that highlights a number of regional trends and accomplishments.

ECOS Data Scorecard

In addition to the Annual Reports, an online data Scorecard is available and updated regularly. The Scorecard promotes easy and efficient access to the 90+ indicators that measure how Chittenden County is doing with regard to achieving ECOS goals related to people, place, and prosperity.

The ECOS Partnership

Following the adoption of the ECOS Plan in 2013, the ECOS Partnership formed to keep the focus on implementation. The Partnership includes:

The Partners remain committed to working together to build upon collaborative successes and address areas of concern. Check out the ECOS Annual Reports above to view current initiatives and progress made toward ECOS goals.


For more information, please contact Regina Mahony, CCRPC Planning Program Manager, at